Gamescom 2949 is right around the corner, and we’re looking forward to meeting all the Star Citizen fans making the trip to Cologne. Members of the community team will be on hand at Bar Citizen events in the evenings, with Friday’s meetup including special guests Erin Roberts and Brian Chambers.
Plus, members of the community team will have loads of exclusive goodies to give away, so if you see them, don’t hesitate to say hello!
Meetups in Cologne during Gamescom Week
We’re taking every opportunity we can to meet with the community throughout the whole Gamescom week.
Join your fellow Star Citizens and members of the CIG development staff at the following locations:

Wednesday, August 21st
Join us at the Deutzer Brauhaus at 7:30pm CEST for drinks and a chance to chat with the team.

Thursday, August 22nd
Meet us and fellow Citizens from around the world at the Brauhaus Ohne Namen at 7:00pm CEST.

Friday, August 23rd
We’re back at the Brauhaus Ohne Namen at 7:00pm CEST for our final night of Gamescom revelry.
Please join us at any or all of the events above and get to know the Star Citizen developers & community.
Source: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/17039-Gamescom-2949-Details