Thanks [TIME]Fuse for donating a forum to us and to [CLOWN]CEREAL_KILLER for clownifying it up real nice. Now you can speak your mind at the CLOWN forum.
Month: May 2003
CLOWNs Win Match
Congratulations to [CLOWN]Kirkulus and [CLOWN]Gen. Jim for winning their 2 vs. 2 match against 22nd Elite! Way to go!
CLOWN Environment Pack
Updated 5/4 I’ve made a mod that adds some clown pics and such here and there, e.g., pictures of me with the chimp on the walls of renan. Good for a couple of giggles.
Just right-click here, select Save Target As, and save zzz-clown_zenvironment.pk3 into your MOHAA /main/ directory.