Happy Valentine’s Day
Blazing Hearts and Burning Passion
From Aberdeen to Port Olisar, love is in the air (and the vacuum of space) and we want you to share it however you see fit. Whether you create an original Valentine and send it to your loved ones or blast them out of the sky, if it comes from the heart (or Heartseeker), it’s a beautiful thing.

Love Letters from the Void
Share the Love
Last week, we invited the community to design their own Star Citizen Valentine. Check out the charming results and share your love with that special someone, no matter how many star systems separate you.
View the Spectrum post here.
From Anvil With Love
Hearts Afire
Rekindle your love affair with space combat in Anvil’s limited-edition Hornet F7C-M Heartseeker. Blast your enemies halfway across the universe with its quartet of imposing Behring laser cannons. Isn’t it romantic?
The Heartseeker will be flyable in Alpha 3.5. For more details visit the complete Hornet F7C-M Heartseeker Ship Page
If dogfights don’t get you in the mood for love, grab your significant other and tour the galaxy in comfort and style in Origin’s starship built for two, the 85X.
Or maybe you’re looking for a more down-to-earth relationship. In that case, race at the speed of love in a cherry red Cyclone RC.
We offer pledge ships to help fund Star Citizen’s development. The funding received from events such as this allows us to include deeper features in the Star Citizen world. These ships will be obtainable through play in the final universe and are not required to start the game.
Source: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/16940-Space-Is-For-Lovers